Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pandas Arrive In Edinburgh

I'm wondering - do the pandas count as migrants? They could be considered part of the "reverse migration" as they moved from China to Scotland. In ten years, when they return home, they will be part of the "lived diaspora" as they lived in Scotland for a time and then left. The pandas did use modern transport - a plane - but I'm not sure their accommodations were an improvement over those  who traveled during the age of sail. (ex: see pictures of the restored Hector here.) Tian Tian and Yang Guang also got a much more impressive welcome than any migrants anywhere on the planet at any point in time. Even, if they don't count, they are awfully cute.

UPDATE (12/23/11): View the newly arrived migrants via the PandaCam here; apparently the best time is between 11am and 3pm GMT. Visit the Edinburgh Zoo's homepage for links to panda wallpapers, the Panda Pairs game, and information on buying tickets to see Tian Tian and Yang Guang.

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