Saturday, June 11, 2016

Happy Sixth Blogiversary to the Scottish Emigration Blog

Last year, I wondered what year six would bring to the Scottish Emigration Blog. It turns out it brought “not much” as my last post was 4 June 2015. A planned two week break has turned into unplanned break of almost 52 weeks. Readership has continued during my lapsed year, so thank you readers. I hope the posts have been helpful whether you seek Scottish emigrants for an academic project or for your family tree.

According to Blogger, the most popular posts of the past six years have been:

  1. Donald Whyte and A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants (2011)
  2. Immigrant Ancestor's Project from Brigham Young University (2011)
  3. Genetic Map of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland (2015)
  4.  Find Scottish Emigrants to the Americas Using Published Lists at (2015)
  5. Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA) ~ Gaelic Place-Names of Scotland (2011)
  6. EmigranThursday - William Dodds and Mary Hunter Dodds (2011)
  7. Who were the British Convicts sent to America, 1718-1775 (2012)
  8. Behind The Scenes: Corrupted Files and the Importance of Backup Files (2013)
  9. Olympics Fun: NBC Reporter Takes Field Trip to Glasgow (2012)
  10. Gaelic Everywhere You Look (2015)
Happy Blogiversary Scottish Emigration Blog! I have absolutely no idea what will happen in year seven.

photo by hotback via Morguefile.

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